#1 Law of Power: Never Outshine the Master in your desire to impress or please them. Do not go too far in displaying your talents lest you accomplish the opposite—inspire fear and insecurity.
Many educators engage in power struggles with Gen Z. We spend endless hours on classroom management in our mandatory professional development courses. Imagine if we could level the playing field and do away with the power dynamics. I know you probably will say that would be chaos. Ah, but if Game of Thrones and the Kendrick Lamar/Drake rap beef taught me anything, it would be that “Chaos is a ladder.”
The first law of Power is to “Never Outshine the Master.” Perhaps we should limit our displays of control and allow students to learn how to become masters of their own learning. Many at-risk students are fearful and insecure. What are ways we can empower them without making them feel threatened by us? Let me know your thoughts.
If you are an educator looking to engage students and increase their SEL, hit me up at DadCypheredutainment.com
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